He is kind and giving.

He is jolly and asks for nothing but good behavior.

Even if you are bad, he'll still give you some heating fuel. (coal)

Santa is truly good.

Or is he?

I hear Santa may have gone bad....

Someone said he won't even let you take his picture unless you give him money.

I think Santa has sold out!

Or has he?

I don't believe any of these lies.

I think these grinches are imposters.

I think they took something wonderful that didn't belong to them and are selling it for their own gain.

Won't someone rescue Santa Claus' reputation?

Won't someone stop these people from producing their own version of Bad Santa?

It's Christmas.

Can't people be nice for just a few days, especially while posing as someone we love?

Don't let the grinch steal Christmas!

Tell these people to shove it!

Don't buy their counterfeit Christmas!!!

Do you agree?

Tell us what you think!!!

Tell THEM what you think right HERE!